Jeffrey Paswick
Mrs. Toller
English 7
January 30, 2009
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps is a world famous swimmer from Maryland and he is 23 years old. He was born in Baltimore and weighs 200lbs. He is most like a narwhal because narwhals are fast and so is Michael Phelps. In my story I will tell you about how Michael Phelps is like a narwhal and why.
Michael Phelps was born on June 30, 1985 in Baltimore, Maryland (Wikipedia). He is 6’4 feet tall and is 200 lbs. But he wasn’t that big when he was born. He is kind of like a narwhal because of that. Because narwhals are small when they are babies and then they grow big. Michael Phelps was about 2 foot tall and weighed like 30 lbs when he was born. When a narwhal is born it is 5 feet and is 175lbs (Enchanted Learning). That means that Michael Phelps is like a narwhal but not height wise and not when a narwhal is a adult.
Michael Phelps is a really good swimmer. He won swimmer of the year award 2006-2008 (Wikipedia). He can swim fast and so can a narwhal. They both like water a lot. But actually a narwhal is faster and a narwhal lives in the water. Michael Phelps lives in a house like a human. A narwhal can breathe underwater for 7 to 20 minutes (Enchanted Learning). Michael Phelps can breathe underwater for maybe 2 minutes and if he tried for 7 he would probably die because it has feelings and can be mad. When a narwhal is threatened it will ram its tusk into an other fish or a hunter/evil thing. Michael Phelps would need a sword , gun or a sharp knife to kill someone or another animal.
Michael Phelps also went to the University of Michigan for school and he even was in the Olympics in 2004 and 2008. He won eight gold medals in it. He was a college kid in Michigan and he learned about how to swim and read (Wikipedia). A narwhal cannot go to the University of Michigan because it doesn’t have ocean access. It has a big lake, but narwhals can’t read books and they can’t even fit into a classroom. Plus they would die from not being in the water.
Narwhals are very vocal creatures. As is Phelps, he spokesperson for many products; Rosetta Stone, Guitar Hero, Speedo. Narwhals are very social creatures. Phelps has been romantically linked to Carrie Underwood, Nichole Johson (2007 Miss California USA runner-up) and supermodel Lily Donaldson. The most noticeable trait about a narwhal is its long tusk. The most obvious thing about Phelps is the gold medals. The tooth is about 8 feet long. Phelps won 8 gold medals! Michael Phelps is sometimes bad and drinks beer. And then even some other times he will drink a beer and drive a car. A narwhal lives in the ocean so it can’t drive and it only will drink water (Hancock). A narwhal never drove a car and drank some beer.
There are a lot of good comparisons on Michael Phelps. In conclusion, Michael Phelps is really good and he is most like a narwhal more than anything else.
“Michael Phelps”. 26 Jan 2009.
“Narwhal”. 26 Jan 2009.
David Hancock. “Olympic Champ Sentenced For DUI“. 26 Jan 2009.