last nite my dad peter finally did something dadlike and brought me to a hockye game for the devils. the devils rock. my dads wife tracy schleirn rect our car so we had to take the NJ transit bus. we had to leave 4 hours before the game start and we got there at the start of the 2nd period. we didn't even see a goal. martin brodeur is the best and he is good. he is also my favorite devil. penguins = vaginas.
the devils played the vaginas from pittsburg and the vaginas actually beat us.
no one even cheered for the devils and my dad peter almost got into a fight with a lady. we were playing I SPY during the game because it was soooooo boring, and my dad said he spyed "some great tits". i looked everywhere but they were actually right in front of us and the lady found them first cuz they were her tits. the usher told us to leave, and we started to get up. then we just sat back down when we thought he was gone. but he never left and told us to please leave. so then we did. but my dad peter thought of a cool idea. we didnt miss much of the game cuz we sat in the bathroom toilets and listened to the game. but a fat guy came into the toilet by us and made a big shit that smelled so bad. i wish i knew his name so i could blog it and he would either a. lose his girl b. lose his job or c. lose his life from cancer or like a really bad car accident. the vaginas won 2-0 and we went home on the bus. we got home at 2am after riding the bus thru "blacksville" that my dad called it. cuz there were black people there. my dad said it was the worst night ever and that he would probs have to make it up to tracy schleirn somehow. i fell asleep to the sound of that fat slob getting her vagina sucked by my dad peter. i hate the penguins.