hey fans sorry i didnt update my website this week. tracy said i spented to much time playing games and computer. i went to kevs and played wii anyway. LOL! i hate when she is bitchzone.
i think my first post back should be about a dickhead named william whiteside. i tryed to tell him that his site needed updated and i even told him i liked a cat pic. but he sent me a mean email. here is our emails he is the red letters:
How nice for you
On 4/11/08, Jeffrey Paswick <jeffreypaswick@yahoo.com> wrote:
hey monkey ass, i could rip ur head off with my bare hand and i could throw your dog across the atlantic ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----- Original Message ---- From: William Whiteside <willinjaxfl@gmail.com> To: Jeffrey Paswick <jeffreypaswick@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:22:25 AM Subject: Re: [A Little Look into William's Life] New comment on Kinda of a Crazy Picture { :.Hey Jack assPiss offOn 4/10/08, Jeffrey Paswick <jeffreypaswick@yahoo.com> wrote:Jeffrey Paswick has left a new comment on your post "Kinda of a Crazy Picture { :":
hey idiot, updated your blog with some cool cat pics. right now this thing sucks major!
Posted by Jeffrey Paswick to A Little Look into William's Life at April 10, 2008 8:13 AM
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William is real dumb and kev is pretty mad too. here is williams blog profile:
- Gender: Male
- Astrological Sign: Gemini
- Industry: Transportation
- Occupation: Account Coordinator
- Location: Jacksonville : Florida : United States
About Me
Welcome to my blog, William Whiteside here I currently reside in Jacksonville, FL, but do hope to be moving to San Francisco, CA within the next 6 months or so. This is my first blog so please bare with me as I learn how to make everything look better with time... My good Friend GoJeffrey has a blog on here also so I will be getting a little help from him.:)
Favorite Movies
- Here is a list of some of the best movies ever well at least for me :) Overboard
- Mommie Dearest
- Steel Magnolias
- Mrs. Doubtfire
- Fried Green Tomatoes
- Jeffrey
- Mean Girls
- Saw 1 2 and 3
- Double Jeopardy
- The Devil Wears Prada
- Fools Rush In
- Cruel Intentions
- Diary Of A Mad Black Woman
- It's My Party
- All Danielle Steel Movies
- Because I said So
- and much much more
Favorite Music
- Michael Buble
- Tina Turner
- Madonna Depeche Mode
- 80's Music
- Annie Lennox
- The Cure
- The B-52's
- Barbra Streisand
- Bette Midler
- Paris Hilton
- Kelly
- Cher
- Cyndi Lauper
- Stevie Nicks
- Fleetwood Mac
- Gwen Stefani
- Justin Timberlake
- Kelly Osbourne
- Mickey Avalon
- Pet Shop Boys
- And a lot more :)
william whiteside if u read this today or soon send me a email IF YOU ARE A REAL MAN. if u have a wii account PM me for kev's account name and we will beat ur ASS in any game! OR IF U WANT TO FIGHT FOR REAL THEN PM ME AND WE WILL FIGHT BUT KEV IS GOING TO HELP CUZ U ARE OLD AND I AM SMALLER THAN U. BUT I COULD STILL BRING A BASEBALL BAT OR MY DAD'S WEED WHACKER! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHTS! ASSSSSSSSHOLE LOL.
go devils on tm nitght martin!!!!!!!!!!
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